Your exercise knowledge + new motor learning skills = better outcomes for your clients

This course gives you 8 proven strategies that you can use to help your clients achieve more using the power of education and motor learning.

  • Course duration

    4 hours (self-paced)

  • 100% online

    Complete this course when it suits you

  • Accredited

    4 CPD points

For qualified exercise professionals

Use education and motor learning to translate your knowledge into the type of programming and instruction that helps clients make long lasting improvements.

This course in a sentence: A professional development offering that connects evidence to everyday practice, building from a strong base of educational theory up to practical motor learning tools that exercise professionals can use to improve client performance.

What you’ll get out of this course

After completing this course you will:

  • Have education and motor learning tools at your fingertips to help your clients when they are lacking motivation, not quite getting the results they want or pushing for that extra 1%

  • Be able to design programs that set your clients up for success when they’re training with you, and when they’re working independently

  • Be able to engage and motivate your clients to achieve their best – like a great teacher

  • Diversify your skills, adding education and motor learning expertise to the list of credentials that make you good at what you do

  • Get a series of resources and print outs that you can use to put your education and motor learning knowledge into practice.

Course topics

Your motor learning toolkit

  • Zone of Proximal Development

    Learn how to pitch your programs at just the right level for optimal client engagement

  • Scaffolding

    Learn how to support your clients when they are learning a new skill, right through to when they’re pushing for excellence

  • Feedback we give to learners

    Learn how to give clients feedback in ways that maximise impact on learning and performance

  • Feedback we get from learners

    Learn how to collect and interpret feedback from clients that you can use to better target your training

  • Deliberate practice

    Learn how to improve training quality and get more out of the time you spend with your clients

  • Scheduling practice

    Learn how to use simple techniques like spacing and interleaving to boost performance

  • Learners as self teachers

    Learn how to help your clients build their independence and maintain their improvements into the future

  • Evaluation

    Learn how to evaluate what you do from an education and learning perspective and make continuing improvements to your programs

Lead Instructor

Ned Jelbart

Ned is an award winning Allied Health Professional and Educator. He has 20 years experience working across the health and education fields. Ned has worked as an allied health professional in private practice, and in education positions at the Australian Institute of Sport, the Canberra Hospital and the tertiary education sector. Ned is an allied health leader, passionate about the role of education in enabling allied health professionals to build capability and open career pathways.

The ESSA Professional Development Committee certifies that this Professional Development offering meets the criteria for 4 ESSA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points.

This course may also be used to help meet continuing professional development requirements in other allied health professional groups as relevant - this course is 4 hours. 

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course you'll be able to:

  • Identify 8 evidence based education concepts

  • Describe how these 8 education concepts can influence motor learning

  • Translate education concepts into practical tools and approaches designed to enhance client outcomes in an exercise setting

What people who've completed this course are saying:

  • 'Easy to follow. It's broken down into separate components which flow nicely'.

  • 'Great use of a case study to provide examples of all concepts and it's specific to Exercise Physiologists'.

  • 'I can definitely see how I can work through these methods with my patients'.


  • What type of online course is this (and when can I access it)?

    This course is fully online and flexible. Once you log in you get access to the full course. It’s not limited to run on a certain date or time like some online courses are – it’s always open (for 12 months after the date of purchase). Complete it all in one go or do it in parts when it suits you.

  • How is this course delivered?

    This course includes a combination of videos, written information, downloadable resources and a case study. The videos provide an overview of each topic. The written information provides the evidence base behind each education and motor learning tool, including how these can influence learning. The case study illustrates how education and motor learning tools can be applied in an exercise setting, using examples that relate to working with clients with various needs and medical conditions. At the end of the course you’ll get access to downloadable resources that you can use to put your education and motor learning knowledge into practice.

  • How long does it take to complete this course?

    Around 4 hours (depending on the speed you like to learn at).

  • When will I get my completion certificate?

    Once you successfully complete the quiz at the end of the course you’ll get your electronic completion certificate straight away.

  • I don’t work directly with clients – is this course still relevant to me?

    This course takes evidence based education and motor learning tools and applies them in client based scenarios. However, the general principles covered in this course can be used in any setting where education is involved. If you use your Exercise Science and/or Exercise Physiology knowledge to help you in roles such as management, leadership, policy, project management, teaching or anything along these lines, then this course can help add value to what you do in these roles too.

  • Education and motor learning are broad topics – how does this course cover them?

    This course covers a lot of ground in a short period of time. We’ve done the research and distilled it down into 8 easy to complete modules, giving you the key information you need to apply education and motor learning tools in your work. Improve your practice without having to take days off the job.

  • Why 8 topics?

    We know that your work as an exercise professional is unique. The setting you work in – what works for you and your clients – will be different from other settings and will change over time. This course gives you a variety of education and motor learning tools to choose from, so you’ll always have options up your sleeve. Pick the topics that work best for you and use them individually, or in combination, to get better results for clients whatever the situation.

Preview this course

Brought to you by Applied 8

Applied 8 is an Australia business based in Canberra. We develop and deliver education and professional development courses. We specialise in courses relating to health and education.

This course is specifically designed for Exercise Physiologists

Exercise Scientists and other exercise or allied health professionals with an interest in education and motor learning may also find this course relevant.

Course layout

Once you complete this course (including the quiz) you'll get your completion certificate straight away.

  • 1


    • Making a difference

    • Course outline

    • How to navigate this course

    • Learning outcomes

    • Breadth and depth

    • Case study introduction

  • 2

    Concept: Zone of Proximal Development

    • Zone of Proximal Development - Overview

    • Influencing learning

    • Translating into practice for better client outcomes

  • 3

    Concept: Scaffolding

    • Scaffolding - Overview

    • Influencing learning

    • Translating into practice for better client outcomes

  • 4

    Concept: Feedback We Give To Learners

    • Feedback we give to learners - Overview

    • Influencing learning

    • Diving deeper into feedback

    • Translating into practice for better client outcomes

  • 5

    Concept: Feedback We Get From Learners

    • Feedback we get from learners - Overview

    • Influencing learning

    • Translating into practice for better client outcomes

  • 6

    Concept: Deliberate Practice

    • Deliberate Practice - Overview

    • Influencing learning

    • Translating into practice for better client outcomes

  • 7

    Concept: Scheduling Practice

    • Scheduling practice - Overview

    • Influencing learning

    • Standing the test of time

    • Translating into practice for better client outcomes

  • 8

    Concept: Learners as Self Teachers

    • Learners as self teachers - Overview

    • Influencing learning

    • Translating into practice for better client outcomes

  • 9

    Concept: Evaluation

    • Evaluation - Overview

    • Influencing learning

    • Translating into practice for better client outcomes

  • 10


    • Tools to take with you

  • 11

    Wrapping Up

    • Reference List

    • Thanks

    • Quiz

    • Survey