Health programs that include an education component get better outcomes

Learn how to design and deliver evidence based, engaging education sessions for clients in a variety of formats

  • Course duration

    5 hours (self-paced)

  • 100% online

    Complete this course when it suits you

  • Accredited

    5 CPD points

Designed for allied health

This course is for allied health professionals (like Exercise Physiologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians, Psychologists, Social Workers, Podiatrists and others) who want to deliver best-practice education sessions to their clients.

This course in a sentence: A comprehensive insight into how to create and facilitate education sessions - big and small - using various, health focused methods that align with the principles of positive behaviour change.

What you'll get out of this course

After completing this course you will:

  • Have the info you need to plan education sessions from scratch right through to successful delivery

  • Know how to take an existing education session (for example, one you already run), review it and enrich it (using a variety of evidence based strategies)

  • Be better equipped to run education sessions with both individuals and groups

  • Feel more confident in how to use education sessions to help achieve behaviour change objectives

  • Get a series of resources and downloads that you can use to design and deliver high quality education sessions that your clients enjoy

Included in this course

Your toolkit

  • Adult Learning Principles

    Learn how to design education sessions in line with principles that enhance learning

  • Educational Needs Analysis

    Learn how to complete an initial needs analysis to set-up for success

  • Session Planning

    Learn how to plan sessions that are based on proven instructional design methods

  • Delivering Presentations

    Learn how to deliver engaging and memorable presentations

  • Facilitating Groups

    Learn how to run highly effective group education sessions

  • Distributable Materials

    Learn how to create handouts and resources that clients are more likely to use

Lead Instructor

Ned Jelbart

Ned is an award winning Allied Health Professional and Educator. He has 20 years experience working across the health and education fields. Ned has worked as an allied health professional in private practice, and in education positions at the Australian Institute of Sport, the Canberra Hospital and the tertiary education sector. Ned is an allied health leader, passionate about the role of education in enabling allied health professionals to build capability and open career pathways.

The ESSA Professional Development Committee certifies that this Professional Development offering meets the criteria for 5 ESSA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points.

This course may also be used to help meet continuing professional development requirements in other allied health professional groups as relevant - this course is 5 hours. 

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course you'll be able to:

  • Outline the role of education in achieving good health outcomes for clients

  • Plan good education interventions

  • Use a variety of evidence based strategies to deliver education to clients

  • Facilitate health focused education for individuals and groups

  • Create high quality written education materials

  • Deliver education sessions to clients that promote positive behaviour change

What people who've completed this course are saying:

  • 'This course was very informative and also provided a great range of resources to help consolidate the information given in the videos'.

  • 'I will be able to implement these strategies in the future with a good understanding due to the thorough course material'.

  • 'A great way to revise and sharpen skills to enhance the educational content with clients or patients to elicit better outcomes by improving client engagement'.


  • What type of online course is this (and when can I access it)?

    This course is fully online and flexible. Once you log in you get access to the full course. It’s not limited to run on a certain date or time like some online courses are – it’s always open (for 12 months after the date of purchase). Complete it all in one go or do it in parts when it suits you.

  • How is this course delivered?

    This course includes a combination of videos, written information and downloads (eg. articles, templates and infographics). Each module includes a variety of resources, along with a Key Points section to emphasise the main learnings to take with you. Near the start of the course, an example of an average education session is provided. In the final module, a re-worked (and much improved) version of this education session is delivered using the concepts and tools covered in this course.

  • How long does it take to complete this course?

    Around 5 hours (depending on the speed you like to learn at).

  • When will I get my completion certificate?

    Once you successfully complete the quiz at the end of the course you’ll get your electronic completion certificate straight away.

  • I don't work directly with clients - is this course still relevant to me?

    This course covers evidence based approaches for running effective education sessions. Many of the examples we use relate to running education sessions for clients in health contexts (such as in a hospital, health centre or private practice). However, if your work involves delivering education sessions of any kind, or working with people to help promote positive behaviour change, then the themes and contents of this course will still be relevant and transferrable into what you do.

Preview this course

Brought to you by Applied 8

Applied 8 is an Australian business based in Canberra. We develop and deliver education and professional development courses. We specialise in courses relating to health and education.

This course is specifically designed for Australian Allied Health Professionals

Course layout

Once you complete this course (including the quiz) you'll get your completion certificate straight away.

  • 1


    • Hello!

    • Learning outcomes

    • How to navigate this course

  • 2

    Module 1: The role of education in achieving good health outcomes

    • Context

    • The evidence is in

    • Education is like...

    • Education and behaviour change: The best 1-2 punch in healthcare?

    • Key points

  • 3

    Module 2: Base camp

    • Base camp

  • 4

    Module 3: Planning good education interventions

    • Context

    • Adult learning principles

    • Completing a needs analysis

    • 4-step guide to preparing education sessions

    • Session plan template

    • Key points

  • 5

    Module 4: Lecture based delivery

    • Context

    • Delivering good lectures

    • Tips for creating good educational videos

    • Key points

  • 6

    Module 5: Facilitated groups

    • Context

    • Running good group education sessions

    • Key points

  • 7

    Module 6: Distributable education material

    • Context

    • Written education material for health: Creating and curating

    • Low hanging fruit

    • Key points

  • 8

    Module 7: Client self-management

    • Context

    • Building the right kind of motivation in your clients

    • F-I-R-E Check audit tool

    • Key points

  • 9

    Module 8: Reaching for the summit

    • Reaching for the summit

  • 10

    Wrapping Up

    • Course reference list

    • Thanks

    • Quiz

    • Survey