Get more of the good

Learn how to run high quality student placements in your workplace, including how to make placements more rewarding and enjoyable > for both you and your student(s)

  • Course duration

    5 hours (self-paced)

  • 100% online

    Complete this course when it suits you

  • Accredited

    5 CPD points

Designed for allied health

This course is for allied health professionals (like Exercise Physiologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians, Psychologists, Social Workers, Podiatrists and others) who want to supervise best practice student placements.

This course in a sentence: An evidence-based guide on the end-to-end process of hosting students on placement (from orientation to completion), with a focus on how supervisors can facilitate high quality work-integrated learning, without burning themselves out in the process.

What you'll get out of this course

After completing this course you will be:

  • Prepared with proven strategies that you can use to set-up well organised (lower stress) student placements

  • Up-to-date with the latest methods for facilitating high quality learning activities for students on placement

  • Equipped to support students who are struggling

  • In-the-know about how to help students work more independently (and reduce the time pressure that can come with hosting a student)

  • Ready to host your next placement, with a series of resources and print outs that you can use in your workplace (including a comprehensive manual for placement supervisors, plus a template kit to help with running essential placement activities)

Included in this course

Your placement supervision toolkit

  • Orientation and Getting Started

    Learn how to run an effective orientation for students coming on placement

  • Foundational Skills

    Learn the essential skills you need to supervise a good student placement

  • Keeping Students Engaged

    Learn how to keep students interested and build their autonomy

  • Scaling Your Placements

    Learn how to take more students on placement (without burning yourself out)

  • Supporting Struggling Students

    Learn how to support students to stay on track

  • Interprofessional Learning

    Learn how to run interprofessional learning activities for students on placement

Lead Instructor

Ned Jelbart

Ned is an award winning Allied Health Professional and Educator. He has 20 years experience working across the health and education fields. Ned has worked as an allied health professional in private practice, and in education positions at the Australian Institute of Sport, the Canberra Hospital and the tertiary education sector. Ned is an allied health leader, passionate about the role of education in enabling allied health professionals to build capability and open career pathways.

The ESSA Professional Development Committee certifies that this Professional Development offering meets the criteria for 5 ESSA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points.

This course may also be used to help meet continuing professional development requirements in other allied health professional groups as relevant - this course is 5 hours. 

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course you'll be able to:

  • Describe foundational skills for supervising successful student placements

  • Facilitate learning activities for students on placement

  • Identify strategies to support wellbeing for students on placement

  • Scale-up your placements, in both quality and quantity, using methods such as Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)

  • Oversee interprofessional learning activities for students in the workplace

What people who've completed this course are saying:

  • 'Clear, concise and easy to navigate'.

  • 'Great resources'.

  • 'Well thought out and presented course that provided insight, tools and skills'.


  • What type of online course is this (and when can I access it)?

    This course is fully online and flexible. Once you log in you get access to the full course. It’s not limited to run on a certain date or time like some online course are – it’s always open (for 12 months after the date of purchase). Complete it all in one go or do it in parts when it suits you.

  • How is this course delivered?

    This course includes a combination of a case study, written information, videos and downloadable resources. The case study helps to introduce and contextualise each module. The written information provides the evidence base underpinning each module, including how each topic can influence the student placement process. Each module concludes with a video explanation of a 'resource in focus', explaining how selected resources from this course can be used to help run good placements. At the end of the course you’ll get access to downloadable resources that you can use to put your knowledge about supervising students on placement into practice.

  • How long does it take to complete this course?

    Around 5 hours (depending on the speed you like to learn at).

  • When will I get my completion certificate?

    Once you successfully complete the quiz at the end of the course you’ll get your electronic completion certificate straight away.

Preview this course

Brought to you by Applied 8

Applied 8 is an Australia business based in Canberra. We develop and deliver education and professional development courses. We specialise in courses relating to health and education.

This course is specifically designed for Australian Allied Health Professionals

Course layout

Once you complete this course (including the quiz) you'll get your completion certificate straight away.

  • 1


    • Hello!

    • Learning outcomes

    • Course outline

    • How to navigate this course

  • 2

    Module 1: Getting started - preparation and orientation

    • Case study

    • Getting started - preparation and orientation

    • Resource in focus: Orientation checklist

  • 3

    Module 2: Having a student on placement - foundational skills

    • Case study

    • Having a student on placement - foundational skills

    • Resources in focus: Demonstration guide and feedback checklist

  • 4

    Module 3: The mid-placement review

    • Case study

    • The mid-placement review

    • Resource in focus: Mid-placement review agenda

  • 5

    Module 4: Keeping students engaged

    • Case study

    • Keeping students engaged

    • Resource in focus: Ready to use learning activity - putting clinical reasoning into practice

  • 6

    Module 5: Finishing a placement

    • Case study

    • Finishing a placement

    • Resource in focus: End of placement meeting agenda

  • 7

    Module 6: The struggling student (at risk of failing placement)

    • Checking-in

    • Case study

    • The struggling student (at risk of failing placement)

    • Resource in focus: Plan on a page for supporting a struggling student

  • 8

    Module 7: Scaling your placements (in number and quality)

    • Case study

    • Scaling your placements (in number and quality)

    • Resource in focus: Activity bank for supporting Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)

  • 9

    Module 8: Interprofessional learning on placement

    • Case study

    • Interprofessional learning on placement

    • Resource in focus: Interprofessional learning presentation and ready to use learning activity

  • 10


    • Tools to take with you

  • 11

    Wrapping Up

    • Course reference list

    • Thanks

    • Quiz

    • Survey